Magical Creatures in My Dining Room!
Have I ever told you about the time some mythical creatures showed up in my dining room? No? Then let me remedy that:
I spotted some mysterious creatures in the house after dark! They were very shy and hid behind potted plants, but I did manage to take a photo of them for your viewing pleasure.
Based on my expertise in supernatural creatures, I’m confident in reporting to you that they must belong to the species of lidércfény.
lidércfény (plural lidércfények) /ˈlide:rcfe:ɲ/
= refers to a type of supernatural being akin to a will-o'-the-wisp
This is quite a coincidence since a lidércfény also appears in The Stone Sea...
In the book, I refer to the lidércfény as flameling, mostly because there is an important character who is a lidérc (another supernatural being), and because of the similarity of the names I wanted to avoid confusion.
Now the fact that some flamelings showed up in my dining room is clearly a sign that I should share with you an excerpt from the scene where a flameling appears for the first time in The Stone Sea.
You can read the excerpt here: A FLAMELING AT YOUR SERVICE!