Jigsaw: Solve the Puzzling Portrait of the Young Huntsman!

Jigsaw puzzle of the young huntsman's portrait in Kisasszony by Thea Litay

Morning found him in his bed with only a faint dream of wind and ice. A weariness had seeped into his bones that would take several days to pass. All warned him to avoid the forest after sunset, but he could not resist. He felt a pull to find something he had lost. Something dear and treasured.

In A Faint Dream of Wind and Ice, Part II of Kisasszony, the young huntsman yearns to find the mysterious maiden who danced with him across the starlit sky. If you assemble the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle below, you can see what he looks like!

While the puzzle should work on mobile, you might find it easier to do it on a larger screen. 

You can also play with the settings and make it as easy as 9 pieces or as hard as 1024. As a default, it is set to 100 pieces. 

Also, I'd recommend clicking the full screen mode for the best experience. 

Here's a graphic showing you the basics:

instructions for the jigsaw puzzle
Good luck! Sok szerencsét! 🍀

Are you up for another puzzle? 

Then solve this one: A Hungarian Fairy Tale Castle Spinning on a Duck Foot

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All magical beings, characters, and superstitions on this site are based on supremely subjective research undertaken by Thea Litay, and any resemblance to Hungarian supernatural creatures living, dead, or undead is not coincidental in the least.