On Location: A Lake of Legends and Lore

Photo by Mrmasta on Unsplash

I hope you packed your suitcase because today I'm taking you on a magical journey to the lake of legends and lore: Lake Balaton in the heart of Hungary.

Welcome to a Lake of Legends and Lore!

Balaton is the largest lake in Central Europe, a source of endless myths and legends, and the setting of The Stone Sea!

During our travels around the lake, we'll go on a journey from castle ruins on mountaintops to the depths of caves full of hidden lakes and mythical beasts. You'll take meandering roads among rolling hills and see vineyards that have been here since Roman times. And I'll even tell you legends about giants, mythical lovers, and underwater palaces.

But before we get going, here are some ... 

Balaton Facts

🏖️ holiday destination since the 18th century
🍇 6 historical wine districts dating back to Roman times
⛵ 73 harbors
🦢 500 swans (no current data on how many of those are undercover tündér aka Hungarian fae)
♾️ infinite number of myths of legends

Today you’ll take your first flight above Balaton. Now climb on the back of a sárkánykígyó (remember, that's a dragon of the sky, a Hungarian dragon-snake) who’ll guide you above these mythical places. Just hold on tight!

All right, are you ready? If yes, open the portal below to start the flight.

I hope you enjoyed your dragon flight today. We'll continue the adventure soon, visiting fae dwellings, dragon caves, and witch outposts. 

Your journey today was sponsored by: 

STAB (Supernatural Travel Agency of Budapest)

Trust us with your next epic quest and prepare yourself for an out-of-this-world experience. Because when it comes to magical travel, we are dead serious.

Would you like to continue your travels? 

Hang out with a Hungarian witch in the middle of Lake Balaton here: FOLLOW THE WHISPER OF REEDS!

Or see some of the sights visible from the middle of the lake: LANDMARKS OF THE LAKE

Take an evening walk with Zalka: NIGHT VIEWS FROM THE WITCH OUTPOST

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All magical beings, characters, and superstitions on this site are based on supremely subjective research undertaken by Thea Litay, and any resemblance to Hungarian supernatural creatures living, dead, or undead is not coincidental in the least.